
Lilypie Next Birthday Ticker


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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cute Pictures of cousin Alyssa

More Christmas

Matthew and Emma must have been really good this year for Santa to bring them this swing set.

Uncle Andy got Emma a princess set that had dangling earring and other princess stuff. But, she really like the earring, I can bairley get them off of her at bedtime.

Christmas Morning

Emma loves her big girl jeans that Santa brought her

Aunt Ginny and Uncle John got Emma this baby play set that Emma loves. She has been playing non-stop with it

Emma waiting for Dad to give the ok to start opening presents

Matthew is not a morning person!

Christmas Eve

Aunt Donna and Uncle Chad got Emma real baby clothes to put on her naked baby's. She really enjoyed them.

Matthew loves to give the peace sign

Aunt Donna and Landen

Pop-pop cutting the ham. Yum-yum

Aunt Ginny is such a wonderful person, she is so great to all the kids!!!

Christmas Eve at Nana and Pop-pop's

This such a great picture of Nana and Pop-pop with all the grandkids

Emma loves to hold Alyssa. She was very happy that her dress matched Alyssa's

Dad and baby Alyssa

Sammy came over!!!

Matthew and Emma were very excited to have Sammy spend the night

Emma loves her Nana

Nana Birthday!!!

We all went to Aunt Donna and Uncle Chad's house to celebrate Nana's birthday. It was so much fun. After cake we went to the park and road on the train. After that we all went to a block that was filled with Christmas lights!!

Landen is so funny!!

This was Matthew and Emma riding around in the car, when we were trying to find a store that had a swing set for Christmas. We finally found one, after going to 7 different stores.

Emma loves to get her hair done up like a princess

Landen and Alyssa Came to play

Emma was so excited that Landen and Alyssa came over to our house to play

Nana and Pop pop also came over. Uncle Chad and Pop pop were so nice to put in our new microwave over the stove

Sunday, December 7, 2008

More Parade Pictures

We Love Our Family!!!!!

Uncle Chad, Aunt Donna , Landen, and Alyssa


This is such a great picture of uncle Chad and cousin Landen

The Lights Parade

Cute little Alyssa getting her jacket on before the parade

Matthew snuggled up waiting for the parade to start



This was Matthew sleeping in the car when we got to the parade